The Zoo FenceSpiritual Direction The Zoo Fence The Zoo Fence The Zoo Fence Onward links!


· There is no God but God, and God is All There Is ·

Nearly everything we know to teach is freely available somewhere on The ZooHealthy growth Fence. (For a complete directory and explanation of The Zoo Fence's many features, please click here.)

However, for those who believe that a more personal relationship with us would be helpful in their inner work, The Zoo Fence offers a Spiritual Directors program, for which there is a fee.

What is a Spiritual Director? As we see it, a Spiritual Director is an instructor and a guide, an older brother or sister whose successful experience along his or her spiritual path may be useful in facilitating your own journey. A Spiritual Director provides encouragement and reassurance as well as specific guidance and instruction on such topics as practices and disciplines, prayer and meditation, selection of resources -- books, workshops, teachers, and the like. The consultations between you and a Spiritual Director at The Zoo Fence may be conducted by email, telephone, postal mail, or other means. They are, of course, completely private and confidential.

A Spiritual Director is not a therapist. The function of a Spiritual Director is to assist you in recognizing and maximizing your relationship with God. Thus, his or her focus is on the inner. While a healthy spiritual life will, no doubt, have ramifications in all aspects of your being, it may or may not offer you a more satisfying or productive outer life. So, if your interest is primarily the latter, we suggest a professional counselor or psychotherapist. Also, although consulting a Spiritual Director can propel your inner growth, it is not a substitute for your own commitment. That is, a Spiritual Director can help you in honing and shaping your commitment to the spiritual process, but the commitment itself must come from within you.

How is a relationship established with a Spiritual Director at The Zoo Fence? First, we ask that you read extensively the material on this site to be sure that we are suited to you. That is, by studying our work here, you can come to know us, and to determine our likely compatibility. Then, we ask you to complete a questionnaire. There, you tell us about yourself -- who you are, what you do, your spiritual perspective, and so on. From that, we will get to know you as you have come to know us. Then, we will email you our telephone number and a suggested date and time for you to call, or, if appropriate, a suggestion for some other kind of communication. Of course, at no time are you ever under any obligation to continue the relationship with your Spiritual Director at The Zoo Fence. You are absolutely free to sever it at any time you wish simply by saying so.

For additional information about TZF's Spiritual Directors program, please see our Frequently Asked Questions.

To jump to the Questionnaire, please click here.


For the perspective of others on the concept of Spiritual Directorship, please consider visiting some of these sites on the internet:

· Finding A Spiritual Director -

· Spiritual Directors International -

· Role of A Spiritual Director -

· The Spiritual Director -

· Philosophical Practitioners -

· Spirituality Today -

To The Questionnaire

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